Pemahaman Mudah Belajar Tabel Bahasa Inggris


Hi.. guys Do you guys know about understanding tables? This time I will introduce you to understanding tables. We start with the definition of understanding tables. 

1.  Definition of tables

A tables is an arrangement or data in rows and coloums , or may be in complex structure. Tables are widely used in communication, research, and data analysis. Tables often appear in print writing, computer software, architectural, traffic sign.

2.  Function of tables

-       Sort data

-       Provide concise and concise information

-       Make it easier for readers

-       Explaining the facts

3.  Sampel of tables

From this tables, the information is on the Monday morning carry out the ceremony at 07.00-07.30. Continued with thafidz at 07.30-08.06, on Monday the lesson schedule is theme 7, and reading the qur'an. Lesson schedule on Tuesday is mufroat, tahfidz, theme 7, and fiqih. The schedule of lessons on Wednesday is mufroat, tahfidz, PJOK, Arabic and theme 7. Lesson schedule on Thursday mufrodat, tahfidz, arab language, and theme 7. The lesson schedule on Friday is murfodat, tahfidz, aqidah, theme 7. While on Saturdays on the written schedule begins with a morning prayer followed by Tahfeez, prayer, and craft lessons. Learning activities start from 07.00, the break takes place at 09.15-09.30 and 10.40-10.56. On Monday to Thursday learning activities end at 12.05, while on Friday and Saturday end at 10.40.

  4. Table family expes/week

From the table about expenses above, we can get information about expenses every week, and from the calculation above, we know that the amount of expenses is Rp. 550.500/week

    5. A plan of design a 300M construction house

Thank you for visiting my block, hope my blog is useful for all of you guys <3



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