Apa Itu Survei? Yuk Belajar Tentang Survei Bahasa Inggris


Hi... guys. in my writing this time i will discuss about surveys. What exactly is a survey? then let's start with understanding surveys first.

1. Definition of Surveys
    A survey is a method of gathering information using relevant questions from a sample of people with the aim of understanding populations as a whole. Surveys provide a critical source of data and insights for everyone engaged in the information economy, from businesses to media, to government and academics.

2. Function of Survey
There are many functions of the survey, which are:
- collecting data as a sample
- obtaining facts from existing objects
- exposing data from survey results
- evaluate or compare the results of existing surveys
- systematically analyze something

3. Expression and Sentences Used in Surveys

a) Kuisioner
The advantage of using questionnaires is that it is ideal to ask closed question, which is effective for research. Meanwhile, the shortcomings are the limited understanding of researchers about respondents answer and the need for a budget for making reproduction of survey questionnaires.
b)  Question
To collect data in surveys, we can ask question. Making question in surveys is also not arbitrary, we must ask the right question on order to get the answers we want.
c)  Statement
Statement actually have the meaning of stating things in general as well as specific. Statement can be used to measure several social phenomena, which are then explained descriptively or narratively. Statement is also used in answering question.

4. Type of Surveys
a) Online Surveys
This surveys consist of survey question that can be easily deployed to the respondent online via email, or they can access the survey if they have internet connection.
b) Paper Surveys
As the name suggest, this survey uses the traditional paper and pencil approach. This survey type is the most expensive method of data collection. It include deploying a large number of human resources, along with time and money.
c) One to One Interview
help researchers gather information or data directly from a respondent. It is a qualitative research method and depends on the knowledge and experience of a researcher to frame and ask relevant question one after the other one collect meaningful insight from the interview.

5. Survey on Self evaluation
Surveys about self-evaluation in the midst of a lot of insecurities.
a) Background
Many individuals do not realize the potential of their abilities and what can be done to achieve something desired in the future. There are many factors that derail a person's life, one of which is by not being aware of one's potential. That's why I made a survey that makes someone remember that someone has the ability and can improve themselves.
b) Purpose
The purpose of this survey is to find data on how people are aware of their abilities and plan for what will be done in the future.
c) Result

    From the results obtained data from my survey of my school friend, it can be concluded that 84.6% feel that they are productive in their daily lives and another 15.4% feel less or even unproductive in their lives. In the next question, it was found that 42,3% of people felt that what they had done was beneficial to themselves, and 53,8%% felt that the activities they were doing were not beneficial to them. Of the 26 answers that were received, 57.3% felt that their personality was useful for the people around them, while the other 42.6% felt that they were not useful for others. Out of 25 respondents, 24 had positive goals and expectations, and one did not. In the next question, which has been filled in by 25 respondents, it is known that the majority answered positively with the following detailed results: 24 positive and 1 negative.
d) Conclusion of the Survey
So it can be concluded from the survey data from the respondents that I have obtained that most respondents feel that they are productive in their activities and have a good vision for the future.

"Thank you friends for reading my writing which still has many shortcomings":(


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