Apa Beda Kuisioner dan Survei ? Belajar Kuisioner Bahasa Inggris

    Hi guys.... this time I will share my writing about questionnaire. Questionnaire and surveys look similar but actually have differences. After previously learning about surveys, this time let's discuss questionnaire.

1) Definition Of Questionnaire
    A questionnaire is a research instrument that consists of a set of questions or other types of prompts that aims to collect information from a respondent. A research questionnaire is typically a mix of close-ended questions and open-ended questions.

2) Function of Questionnaire
  • It translates the research objectives into specific questions that are asked of the respondents.
  • It standardizes those questions and the response categories so every participant responds to identical stimuli.
  • By its wording, question flow, and appearance, it fosters cooperation and keeps respondents motivated throughout the interview.
  • Questionnaires serve as permanent records of the research.
  • They speed up the process of data analysis. For instance, some companies use questionnaires that can be scanned by machines and quickly converted into raw data files.
  • They contain the information upon which reliability assessments such as test-retest or equivalent-form questions may be made, and they are used in follow-up validation of respondents' participation in the survey.
3) Surveys vs Questionnaire
    A questionnaire is a tool that’s used to conduct a survey. A survey is the process of gathering, sampling, analyzing, and interpreting data from a group of people. The confusion between these differences most likely stems from questionnaires and data analysis being treated as very separate processes before the internet became popular. Questionnaires are usually completed on paper, and data analysis is done later as a separate process. Today, these processes are usually combined as online survey tools allow questionnaire responses to be analyzed and aggregated all in one step.

4) Expressions and Sentences
       - What
             is used to ask for information about something.
             Example of sentences:
                • What is your cat's name?
                • What are you doing?
        - Where
              Where is used to ask for a location or place.
              Example of sentences:
                • Where is your dad?
                • Where is my bag?
                • Where is your school?
             When is used to ask for the time.
              Example of sentences:
                • When does your car arrive? 
                • When will the tv show start?
             Why is used to ask a reason.
             Example of sentences:
                • Why you look so pale? 
                • Why i feel so sleepy?
                •  Why you so worried?
             Who is used to ask about people.
             Example of sentences:
               • Who ate my ice cream?
               • Who send me this letter?
               • Who is your favorite dancer?

5)Type of Questionnaire
a) Qualitative
    Is a question that describes an event or an indication of what is being studied; this question usually uses the word "what." and often used for qualitative research. A qualitative example is someone commenting on your writing. They may mention things about word choice, punctuation, and so on. This helps you categorize your posts, but you can't attach comment owners.
b) Quantitative
    Known as a structured questionnaire is used to collect quantitative data, which is information that is recorded as a count. The data is quantitative, which means it can be used for mathematical calculations or statistical analysis.

6)  Questionnaire Question Types
a) Open ended questions
As the name implies, these questions are open for the respondent to answer with more freedom. Instead of presenting a series of answers choices, the respondent writes as much are as little as they want. This is ideal for exploratory questionnaires which collect qualitative data.
b) Multiple choice questions
This question presents the respondent with a list of answer options and they can select one or more. The challenge with multiple-choice questions is providing incomplete answer options.
c) Dichotomous questions
This is a question with only two possible answers. It tends to be a yes or no question but it can also become something like agree/disagree or true/false. Use this when all you need is basic validation without going too deeply into the motivations.

7) Question About Condition of the Toilet in SMK 4 Semarang
a) Background
My background involves asking questions about toilet facilities at my school, which I feel are inadequate for students in terms of quantity, completeness of equipment, or cleanliness.
b) Purpose
to obtain data related to how students at SMK 4 Semarang feel about the state of the toilet at their school.
c) Result


The results of a survey I made about toilet facilities at SMK 4 Semarang, which were answered by 24 people, showed that in the first question, 62.5% (15 people) answered that the toilets at SMK 4 Semarang were not sufficient for all students, and 37.5% (9 people) felt that the number of toilets was sufficient. From the results of the second question, it is known that the majority answered that the location of the toilet at SMKN 4 Semarang was easy to reach. Based on the third question, three results were obtained, namely: 8.3% (2 people) answered that toilet facilities at SMKN 4 Semarang were complete, and 37.5% (9 people) Only a few toilets at SMKN-4 Semarang had these facilities, while 54.2% of people (13 people) felt that the toilet facilities at SMKN-4 Semarang were incomplete. The results of the fourth question show that the majority of students think the toilets at SMKN 4 Semarang smell bad. From the fifth question answered by 24 people, it shows that 58.3% of respondents feel that the toilets at SMK 4 Semarang are not clean.
d) conclusion of the questions that I have made
So the conclusion of the survey results is known: the toilets at SMK 4 Semarang are in an easily accessible location, the variety of tools in the toilet is quite complete, but unfortunately the cleanliness is not maintained, causing students to frequently complain about the unpleasant smell.

"Thank you for reading, keep your spirits up and never stopped writing"<3


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