Is it hard to apply for a job? not called by HRD? Maybe the problem is in the job application letter that you sent. Hi guys...This time, let's learn how to make a good job application letter. Previously, let's know the definition of a cover letter. A job application letter is a letter containing a request to work in an institution, company, or limited liability company (PT), which generally has sections containing personal identity, services that can be performed, education, to expertise, and experience.

1. Sample job application letter

2. How to write a job application letter

    After graduating from high school or college, most of you will definitely continue looking for work. Well, when looking for a job, of course you need a job application letter. Did you know that a job application letter is also a point that can increase your chances of being accepted for a job. Okay, let's try to dissect them one by one so you know how to write a correct and effective job application letter. Take a good look, okayyy?

a. The place and date of writing the letter

    You can write the place and date of the application letter in the upper right corner.

South Semarang, October 24, 2023

    Please note that place and month names always start with a capital letter. The place and date of the letter are also separated by a comma (,).

b. Kepala surat

    On the letterhead, job applicants need to write the date of the letter, personal address and contact, and company address. Example:

Jakarta, 22 July 2021
Chakra Hadi
Jl. Sukajadi No. 8 B, Yogyakarta
Phone : +628-0000-0000, E-mail : cakrahadi@gmail.com
Mrs. Biyana Hadikusuma
Human Resources Manager
PT. Gemilang Jaya Abadi
Jl. Bird of Paradise No. 12 C

 c. Greetings and letter openers

    Greetings are usually written with the sentence, "YTH". Meanwhile, you can fill the letter opener with an introduction. Generally, you can explain where you got the information regarding the job vacancy and the position you chose. Like the example below

Dear Mr/Ms HRD,

Based on the job vacancy information distributed through the Jobstreet website, I intend to apply for a job at the company that you lead to occupy the position of Public Relations.

d. Opening paragraph

    In opening the application letter, the applicant must attract the attention of the reader so that the entire letter is read. Include the following information in the opening paragraphs of the application letter:

  • Indicate that you wish to apply for a position.
  • Mention the position you want to apply for.
  • Tell how the applicant found out about the job opening.
  • Identify capabilities.

    If the job vacancy is found in an advertisement, an example of the opening paragraph of the application letter is as follows:

    Please consider me as an applicant for the management trainee position you advertised in the October 12 issue of the Daily Leader. My degree in management and my work experience as an assistant store manager qualify me for this position.

e. Fill

    The body of the letter is what needs to be written after the opening paragraph. The body of this letter must convince the employer that you are the right person for the job. However, don't repeat the facts presented in your resume.

    However, break down those facts for the reader. Try to describe the nature or character, experience, and other qualifications but still match the job on the page in this content section.

    When responding to published job vacancies, explain how the qualifications you have meet the required criteria. The following is an example of the contents of an application letter that focuses on work experience requirements:

    As a quality control inspector, I worked closely with the plant manager to improve quality and reduce costs. During my year in this position, my department was rated number 1 in quality, and costs were down 8%.

    If you don't have much experience, focus on other qualifications. For example, education, activities similar to job vacancies, or a desire to learn about the job. Examples as follows:

    During my first year of college, I was awarded an academic scholarship. While working toward my associate degree in business administration, I was elected vice president of the school's Phi Beta Lambda chapter. As vice president, I organized and hosted a fundraising event that generated $8500 for leukemia research.

f. Cover

    The closing paragraph should have a confident tone and call for an interview. Make it easier for the company to contact for interviews by providing contact applicants. Avoid overused phrases. Note the following closing paragraphs:

As my enclosed resume illustrates, my education and experience qualify me for this position. May I have an interview with you to discuss my qualifications for the job? You can reach me at 555-0177 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. any weekday.

    If writing to an out-of-town company, mention when the applicant will be in the area for an interview. For example:

Will you meet with me to discuss my qualifications while I am visiting San Antonio next week? On Monday, I will call your office to schedule an appointment.

3. Include the source of the job vacancy

    You can write down where you got the vacancy information that you got after the section.

  • Based on self-initiative
  • Based on an advertisement in a newspaper
  • Based on the announcement from the agency
  • Based on an advertisement from the internet
  • Based on information from a third person

4. Tips for writing a job application letter
  • Pay attention to the writing format
  • Avoid typos
  • Use clear and simple language
  • Write down the source of the vacancy information
  • Not just copy from the internet

"So that's what I can tell you about how to make a job application letter and of course along with examples. Thank you for reading.... good luck to those of you who are making a job application letter:)"



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